“Redefining Success in Ministry”
Karl will be the featured speaker at seven one-day Leadership Forums in German-speaking Europe. He is one of the featured presenters at the Willow Creek Conference in Karlsruhe, Germany March 7-9. You will not want to miss this opportunity, even if you have to drive a distance with your team to one of the Forum locations.
Dates and Locations
12.03.24: CH-3360 Herzogenbuchsee
13.03.24: A-6900 Bregenz
14.03.24: D-67269 Grünstadt Pfalz
16.03.24: D-28832 Achim
20.03.24: A-6020 Innsbruck
21.03.24: A-4030 Linz
23.03.24 A-2620 Neunkirchen (near Vienna)
Each one-day Forum begins at 9:30 AM and ends at 3:30 PM.
About Karl
Karl is a pastor form Southern, California and is a sought-after conference speaker and author of several books on the topic of Strong Small Churches and Building Healthy Churches. Here you can visit his blog! [1]
List of published books
100 Days to a Healthier Church
Small Church Essentials
The Discovery Guide:
The Grasshopper Myth
Overview of Topics that Karl will address at the Leadership Forum
1 Introduction
What is successful pastoral ministry? And how do our usual ideas about it cause problems for so many pastors and churches? In this session, Karl Vaters will talk about how chasing a false view of success almost drove him out of ministry. Then he’ll share the essential journey we must take to redefine successful ministry from a biblical standpoint.
2 Big Churches, Small Churches: What’s the Difference?
Big churches and small churches are both needed in Christ’s kingdom. But most of the training we get comes from a big church standpoint. In this session, Karl Vaters will show us why church size matters, how to pastor small churches well, and how churches of all sizes can work together for God’s glory.
3 How to Discover and Use What Your Church Does Well
Every church does something well. Or it can. The key is discovering what that “something” is, then doing it with all your heart as God guides you. In this session, Karl Vaters will share experiences from several small churches who found what they do well in some unexpected ways. Then he’ll share the principles that any church of any size can use to discover and use what God is calling you to do.
4 Finding & Mentoring Volunteers in Today’s (And Tomorrow’s) Church
Where have all the church volunteers gone? It’s a question almost every pastor is asking. The good news is, people still want to volunteer, they just volunteer differently now. In this session, Karl Vaters teaches us how people volunteer differently today, and how we can adapt and utilize their gifts in wonderful new ways in any church of any size.
Simply send an email to paul@forumgemendebau.de [2] with your name, church name and location. Let us know which Forum you want to attend and all necessary details, along with the Forum location will be sent to you. A free-will offering will be collected to cover the costs of the Forum. For more information contact Dr. Paul Clark: +49 171 9765836